The Mafia

The Mafia

Friday, January 28, 2011

What the bloody hell?

My friend (well, Jane's friend) Linda sends me this.... WOW.

Who the bloody hell is this???
Whoever they are, they're going to be off of Stardoll, I'm sure they don't tolerate this behavior.

--The Godmother

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Click the link. Be effectively scarred for life.

The git that owns that account is Mikergh. Here are the mug shots of the evening:
Mikergh AKA Patyrgh's ex-boyfriend

Lazapple AKA Mikergh's new flame

The victims of the evening:
Dearladyjane AKA Jane, my best friend!!

SpiffMadde AKA Maureen

Mr.jbond007 AKA Peter, who is officially my LIFE!!! Lol, no he's Jane's fiance

Ok, this mikergh is a creep. He and his girlfriend are terrorising everyone... NOT GOOD!!!!
-accused Maureen of sleeping with Peter (our victims are virgins, believe me)
-called Jane a "ginger" WTF??? What the Frollo?!?!?!
-Called Maureen a whore.

Nice language, huh?

Here is Mikergh's presentation:
Wow, this guy's real nice. I'd date him. NOT!!!!! WTF?! (sorry about the cropping job...)

Here's a sample of what went on in Jane's guestbook:
Lol, Kaystangringo is my hero. For life.

And Mikergh and Lazapple: calm yourselves!!!!

Oh if it isn't ironic enough, he's calling Peter a playboy. Tell me if you think Peter is a playboy (link to his suite)

Here's the link to Maureen's (having great style doesn't make her a whore):

Here's a link to Jane's:

PS Jane's a gorgeous "ginger"... she looks just like Jane Seymour (I'm so jealous....)

Mikergh was also after patyrgh, no doubt, but this is what happened today.
So then this git comes to MY SUITE! Check it out, folks!!!

I didn't respond.... why should I respond to this git???

Ta for reading...
The Godmother

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Sorry! I'm Sorry!

Maureen called me again about this Tereza person something or other, and she says that she doesn't know English. Idk... it just looked a bit odd when examined it.

Oh. That sort of explains it.

Sorry TerezaAraujo.... I truly am :(

-The Godmother

Is She Supposed to Be Insulted????

Maureen print screens this and sends it to me:
Is she supposed to be insulted?! Perfect response from Maureen.

So I pester her, and she sends me this:

So she's from Brazil? Probably doesn't speak much English. When this person responds, Maureen will printscreen it and send what she's got.

Still, is she supposed to be insulted?

-The Godmother

Friday, December 31, 2010

YES! The Godmother is Once Again Victorious!

You know how I told you about that lesbian creep Yanela123? Well, good news, folks! She's gone!!
Here's me proof:



Monday, December 27, 2010

New Club Inactivated

Greetings, my fine friends!

Word just got out that a new club has been inactivated. First of all, I joined it. I dunno why. Peer pressure, perhaps? Damn. Anyway, the club is called "Nasty.Dirty" by Hatebeatles, or AKA Jade, who, by the way, has been trying to make nice with everyone... (Anyone else suspicious?) Anyway, the club was inactivated by the Stardoll Staff with the help of an anonymous person (I know who did it, btw).

Of course, the super genius Hatebeatles didn't guess that a club with that title would be inactivated... WOW.

Here's Heygul's sad attempt at swaying me to the doomed club:
Yea, doubt that!!! XD

--The Godmother

Friday, December 24, 2010

Lesbian Creep... WATCH OUT!

When I log back on to me account, I get this daft message in me guestbook:

What would you do? Probably similar to what I did. I remember Jane and Pete complaining about her to me a few months ago, and now she's back.

What a creep!

-The Godmother